About Eric Blond
With more than 25 years of experience and projects conducted in Canada, the USA, South-America, Europe and the Middle-East, Eric Blond holds one of the most comprehensive independant expertises in geosynthetics and polymeric construction materials.
Eric Blond

Eric Blond offers Technical Services to the Geosynthetics and Engineered Construction Material Industries. From Engineering Services focused on the application of Innovative Products and Technologies, to forensic investigations and serving as expert witness, Eric has an in-depth knowledge of the usage, limitations and opportunities offered by synthetic materials used in the construction industry, such as:
In civil engineering projects: geotextiles, geomembranes, geosynthetics clay liners, geocells, geogrids, drainage geocomposites and other geosynthetic materials;
In building: dampproofing and waterproofing membranes, drainboards, dimpled sheets, roofing membranes, air barriers, vapor barriers and other sheet- or spray-applied products.
Eric Blond is a professional Engineer, registered in Quebec and in Alberta. He holds an engineering degree in geotechnical engineering and a master degree with a focus on geosynthetics. He has over 25 years of experience in Research and Development, Testing and Expertise in his field of practice. Eric has expanded his actions from the geotechnical world to the building industry, as well as to the architectural textile world.
He is actively involved in several committees and focus groups:
Chairman of Subcommittee D35.02 on the durability of geosynthetics;
Chairman of the Canadian Mirror Committee of ISO TC221 on Geosynthetics;
Member of CSA A123 on bituminous roofing materials;
Member of the SCTE (Standing Committee on Technical Evaluations) of the CCMC (Canadian Construction Material Center) from 2010 to 2018;
Member of the CCCME (Canadian Committee on Construction Material Evaluation, supervising the activities of the CCMC) since 2018;
Elected Member of the IGS Council (International Geosynthetics Society) between 2010 and 2016 (Elected twice);
Chairman of the Technical Committee on Hydraulics (TC-H) of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS).
Eric Blond is also a member of several professional organizations such as:
Eric is a Registered Engineer in Quebec (OIQ - Ordre des Ingénieurs du Québec) and Alberta (APEGA - Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta).
The CGS (Canadian Geotechnical Society), where he has served as the president of the Geosynthetics Division between 2007 and 2009, and contributed to the organization of the 2013 National Conference in Montreal;
The BNQ (Bureau de Normalisation du Québec), where he has served as a member of the Committee BNQ 7009-210 and BNQ 7009-910 on specification and certification of geotextiles.
Through these commitments, Eric Blond has contributed to establishing state of the practice for numerous products, technologies and applications, such as:
Geotextile filtration: Eric Blond is the main author of ISO 18228-3 on the design of geotextiles for filtration, ASTM D7178 on the number of constrictions of geotextiles, and several other standards. He has also authored the Quebec guidance for use of geotextiles in agriculturage drainage (CRAAQ).
Drainage: Eric Blond is the main author of ISO 12958-2 - performance flow capacity of drainage geocomposites. He has contributed as a committee member for ISO 18228-4 on drainage, ASTM D4716 on transmissivity and several other test methods.
Testing of geosynthetics for durability evaluation: Eric Blond has coordinated the revision of several ASTM standards addressing the durability of geosynthetics, in particular ASTM D5397 on stress-cacking resistance, ASTM D5885 on HP-OIT, ASTM D5721 on oven aging and several others.
Long term performance of building envelope materials, such as dimpled sheets, air barriers, PVC and bituminous roofing membranes: Eric has contributed to the preparation of several Technical Guides currently enforced by the CCMC, to establish the equivalence of an innovative product to the performance requirmeents of the National Building Code of Canada.
Eric Blond is also committed to education and introduction of geosynthetics technologies.
He is a lecturer at Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, where he gives an introduction lecture on geosynthetics technologies to undergraduate students, as well as an advanced course on the design of lining systems with geomembranes to graduates students.
He periodically offers custom trainings to engineering firms.
He regularly contributes to pre-conference short courses.